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The Dutch Association of Aviation Technicians (NVLT) is a Union for aviation technicians who are working in the commercial aviation industry.

Aviation technicians as mentioned in the so called Part-66, Part-145 & Part147’ of the European regulation are subdivided in:

  • Certifying Staff category A, B1, B2 and C, who are responsible of issuing a ‘certificate of release to service’ (CRS) after maintenance has been performed on an aircraft.
  • Component Certifying Staff, who are responsible of issuing a ‘certificate of release to service’ after maintenance has been performed on a component.
  • Support staff B1 and B2, who are responsible for the maintenance of all relevant tasks they have performed by themselves or by mechanics and justify this work by means of a “sign- off”.
  • Mechanics, who are responsible for the maintenance they have performed by themselves and justify this work by means of a “sign-off”.
  • Personnel who is directly related with their work to the work of the Certifying/ support Staff.

Our main objective is to defend and to improve the interests of our members such as named above, consisting of:

  • Creating good working conditions by conducting labour agreements negotiations with the companies who has recognized the NVLT,
  • Promoting aviation safety and the Safety in general,
  • Defending Individual interests of our members within their work,
  • Increasing the professionalism of our members,
  • Providing advice to our members on legal and technical matters,
  • Providing expertise which is in our scope to organizations and agencies,
  • Providing advise to the EU and EASA in establishing new amendments and or Regulations,


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